Location: Reykjavík, Blönduós, Sauðárkrókur - Iceland
FISHSkin researchers gathered in Iceland on September 2019, hosted by the project's partner Iceland University of the Arts and former partner Atlantic Leather. The exciting event included:
- ‘Innovation in the Use of Marine Resources’ conference on the use of sea leather and innovation in fashion design. the conference was arranged by Katrín María Káradóttir, Programme Director of Fashion Design at the IUA and Steinunn Gunnsteinsdóttir of ATL, Joined by experts Anne Lisbeth Schmidt from the National Museum of Denmark and Dr. Torunn Klokkernes from the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo.
- A residency at the Icelandic Textile Center, Blönduós, participating in a workshop given by Lotta Rahme, a Swedish specialist in traditional fish leather tanning.
- Visits to Atlantic Leather factory at Sauðárkrókur, eye witnessing the fish leather production at industrial scale, and round-table discussions.
Video by IUA
Location: Eilat, Israel
The FISHSkin project has been launched in February 2019 with the first consortium meeting taking place in Eilat, Israel. The interdisciplinary project team was hosted by Dr. Hanna Rosenfeld and the team of Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institute (IOLR), one of our partner organizations.
It's been wonderful and exciting to meet each other for the first time, together explore the intricacies of the fish reproduction in captivity, and do a fair share of planning on the next steps as a research collective - all in the spectacular backdrop of Eilat's nature.