Katrín Káradóttir is the Programme Director in Fashion Design at the Department of Design and Architecture at the Iceland University of the Arts. Katrín studied tailoring in Reykjavik and fashion design in Paris.

Elizabeth Amir is a faculty member and senior lecturer at the Department of Polymers and Plastics Engineering at Shenkar College, Israel. Born in 1977 in Kazakhstan and immigrated to Israel in 1993. She attended Tel Aviv University and received her undergraduate degree in chemistry in 2001.
During her doctorate Elizabeth studied synthesis of new organic materials using fluorine-based reagents under Prof. Shlomo Rozen and received PhD with honors in 2007. Upon finishing her doctorate, Elizabeth went to the United States to do her post-doctoral work with Prof. Craig Hawker at the University of California, Santa Barbara. During her post-doc (2008-2012) she studied polymers for electronic and biomedical applications.
Elizabeth joined the Department of Polymers and Plastics Engineering at Shenkar in 2013.
CIRTex Center
Fashion Design Department
Fashion Design Department
Polymer Materials Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department
Industrial Design Department
Industrial Design Department
CIRTex Center
Faculty of Design
CIRTex Center
Visual Communication
Visual Communication
Masters in Design Program
Fashion Design Department
CIRTex Center