FISHSkin researchers took part in The Earth, Water, Air and Fire: The Four Elements of Fashion international conference, organised by Universita luav di Venezia, March 2023.
In the Materials session, Ori Topaz from SHENKAR shared her research ‘Printing on Fish Skins. Design Strategies for New Material Implementation’ – work done in collaboration with the researchers Dr. Ira Farber and Lahav Langboim from FISHSkin's partner Kornit Digital. Ori explored the use of different patterns and prints as a unifying element in the use of fish skins - a material that naturally comes in rather small pieces of different irregular shapes, a challenging characteristics when uniting it into one harmonic piece. Chemistry and application adjustments were made by Kornit Digital to adapt to the specific requirements of the fish skin substrate.
Shenkar college - Dr. tal Goldarth
Shenkar's FISHSkin researcher Dr. Tal Goldrath took part in the COP27 - 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference. Held in November 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Tal was representing Shenkar college as part of the Israel's council for Higher Education delegation.
Tal took part in discussions and events concerning water and energy, and discussed current and future challenges with delegates and representatives from academia, regulation and industry from around the world.
In her work in Shenkar, Tal is fully engaged in research and activities promoting GHG emissions reduction and adaptation to climate change.
IIT - Italian Institute of Technology - Marta Fadda
Marta Fadda, a FISHSkin researcher from IIT, shared her research ‘Natural based coating for water resistant fish leather’* at the Materials Science and Engineering Congress MSE 2022 in Germany.
Marta showed a bio-based sustainable and waterproof coating for the fish leather, avoiding the usage of petroleum-based materials, and highly respecting the circular economy concept and practicum.
The measurement of the dynamic contact angle revealed excellent water resistance, without changing the leather’s natural breathability and flexibility.
Yes, fish skin is not naturally waterproof, or as we call it - The fish skin paradox.
*Research by Marta Fadda, Arkadiusz Zych, Riccardo Carzino, Athanassia Athanassiou, Giovanni Perotto.